Established in 2011, Wild Island practices natural beekeeping in Bermuda, which means that we use no chemical treatments, and no antibiotics. We monitor the health of our bees closely and use integrated pest management, using only natural techniques to help our bees thrive with minimal interference.
Being chemical and antibiotic free means that our hives and subsequently our products have fewer toxins and chemicals, allowing for a much healthier environment for our bees and an all natural product for our customers.
Raising Awareness
Bermuda's bees, not unlike their kind around the world, have been facing unprecedented challenges in the last decade which has had a large impact on their overall well being. We are on a mission to increase the awareness of the importance of the honey bee (Apis Meliferia). The introduction of the Varroa Mite, increased use of pesticides and herbicides and the loss of critical foraging habitat have all taken their toll on Bermuda's bees.
That being said, things are looking up. Bermuda's beekeepers are diligently working toward increasing the strength and numbers of honey bees in Bermuda while trying to promote responsible behavior around feral beehives or colonies that may be in "less than ideal" places. The number of beehives has been increasing, and with your help we can continue to nurture the Bermuda bees back to a position of strength.
There are things you can do to help the plight of our bees. Planting flowering plants and trees, especially varieties that flower outside of hurricane season provides food and forage for our bees. Check out our "bee plants" page for more information.